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Custom Commands

This cog contains the custom_commands command, which can be used to create simple commands that send a predefined answer when used.


The .custom_commands command contains different sub commands to create, edit and delete custom commands.

.[custom_commands|cc] [subcommand]

If no subcommand is given, a list of all avaiable custom commands with aliases will be send.


The add subcommand is used to create new custom commands.

.custom_commands [add|+] <name> <discohook_url> [public=True]
Argument Required Description
name ✔ The custom command's name
discohook_url ✔ Go to this side, compose your message, click on Share Message and copy the link
public If set to False, the custom command's permission level will be set to the bot's default permission level


The alias subcommand is used to add an alias to a custom command.

.custom_commands [alias|a] <command> <alias>
Argument Required Description
command ✔ The custom command's name
alias ✔ The alias to be added to the custom command


The edit subcommand contains various subcommands to edit an existing custom command.

.custom_commands [edit|e] [subcommand] 

If no subcommand is given, a list of all subcommands for edit will be sent.


The channel subcommand is used to specify a channel the custom command's answer should be sent to by default.

.custom_commands edit [channel|c] <command> [channel]
Argument Required Description
command ✔ The custom command's name
channel The channel the custom command's answer should be sent to. If no channel is given, the message will be sent to the channel the custom command is executed in


The channel_parameter subcommand is used to enable or disable the custom command's channel parameter.

.custom_commands edit [channel_parameter|cp] <command> <enabled>
Argument Required Description
command ✔ The custom command's name
enabled ✔ True/False to enable/disable the custom command's channel parameter


The delete_command subcommand is used to specify if the message used to trigger the custom command should be deleted after execution.

.custom_commands edit [delete_command|dc] <command> <delete>
Argument Required Description
command ✔ The custom command's name
delete ✔ True/False to enable/disable the deletion


The description subcommand is used to set a description for a custom command.

.custom_commands edit [description|desc|d] <command> [description]
Argument Required Description
command ✔ The custom command's description
description The description. The description can be removed by leaving this argument empty


The enabled subcommand is used to enable or disable a custom command.

.custom_commands edit [enabled|e] <command> <enabled>
Argument Required Description
command ✔ The custom command's name
enabled ✔ True/False to enable/disable the custom command


The name subcommand is used to change a custom command's name.

.custom_commands edit [name|n] <command> <name>
Argument Required Description
command ✔ The custom command's name
name ✔ The custom command's new name


The permission_level subcommand is used to set the permission level required to execute the custom command.

.custom_commands edit [permission_level|pl] <command> <level>
Argument Required Description
command ✔ The custom command's name
level ✔ The new permission level (0-4)


The requires_confirmation subcommand is used to specify whether to send a confirmation message before sending the custom command's answer.

.custom_commands edit [requires_confirmation|rc] <command> <enabled>
Argument Required Description
command ✔ The custom command's name
enabled ✔ True/False to enable/disable the confimation


The text subcommand is used to edit the custom command's answer.

.custom_commands edit [text|t|content|data] <command> <discohook_url>
Argument Required Description
command ✔ The custom command's name
text ✔ Go to this side, compose your message, click on Share Message and copy the link.


The user_parameter subcommand is used to enable or disable the user mention sent with the custom command's answer.

.custom_commands edit [user_parameter|up] <command> <enabled>
Argument Required Description
command ✔ The custom command's name
enabled ✔ True/False to enable/disable custom command's user parameter


The remove subcommand is used to remove a custom command.

.custom_commands [remove|r|del|d|-] <command>
Argument Required Description
command ✔ The custom command's name


The show subcommand is used to show all information about a custom command.

.custom_commands [show|s|view|v|?] <command>
Argument Required Description
command ✔ The custom command's name


The test subcommand is used to send a preview of the custom command's answer without mentioning any roles or users.

.custom_commands [test|t] <command>
Argument Required Description
command ✔ The custom command's name


The unalias subcommand is used to remove an alias from a custom command.

.custom_commands [unalias|u] <alias>
Argument Required Description
alias ✔ The alias' name

Execution of custom commands

.<name|alias> <channel> [user]
Argument Required Description
name/alias ✔ A custom command's name or alias
channel The channel to send the custom command's answer to. Required if the custom command's channel parameter is enabled
user If activated, you can set a user to be mentioned with the custom command's answer

Last update: 2021-06-20